
Showing posts from January, 2023

Abandonment, Monastic Life & God

  The more we live and listen to the worldlings,  the greater should we despise theworld. We live in a world which jolly well knows its Creator,  and realizes what Sin does but nonetheless despises the Sovereign Good over worthless "desires and goods" of this world. St. John The Evangelist in his Gospel, " And this is the judgment: because the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil. [20] For every one that doth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his works may not be reproved. "(St. John 3: 18-19) There's a reason why monks leave the world.  It is to run away from the three primary enemies to the soul, namely; the Devil,  The Flesh and The World. The Monastic Life isn't something new! It's pre-existed Christianity. Yet in Christianity,  it's fullest meaning is deciphered.  I have often felt this call, and I do not know how long I can stay away from it. For the Call of...


    "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." -Matthew 23:12  Our Lady is the ultimate example of deep and profound Humility on the spiritual journey. Many who become spiritual and attain knowledge and wisdom are usually so quick to put themselves on a stage and preach to the nation with the selfish motivations of desiring praise, recognition, and fame in return.  The truly wise, never believe they're wise, as they have realized the deep understanding that all wisdom is God's and God's alone. God has a way of humbling people who attempt to steal the spotlight from his glory, and for good reason as its only when you're willing to become small do you actually realize freedom, from yourself.  Self-forgetfulness is something taught by many Catholic saints, Jesus also taught us that we need to lose ourselves in order to discover ourselves. Our true self is humble, gentle, kind and compassionate, it's...

Feast of The Epiphany & The Saviour of Adam's Children

Blessed Feast of The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, every one! Epiphany or as is used in the Easter Church,  Theophany are one and the same word meaning one and the same thing; 'manifestation'.  On the Day of Annunciation,  the Archangel Gabriel preached the First Gospel to Our Lady, a simple Jewish Virgin Girl.   On announcing the Gospel about St. John The Baptist's Birth, He appears to a Priest; Zachariah.  To the doubting St. Joseph,  He appears in a dream to help the Saint make the right decision of taking "Mary as his wife".  On the fourth,  The Angels appear to the poor Jewish Shepherds to tell them, "this day, is born a Saviour..."  Until now God had favored the Sons of Abraham alone.  On Epiphany however, He chooses to speak to all the sons and daughters of Adam through the personage of the Magi. St. Matthew writes, "On entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother.  They prostrated themselves and did h...