The Sign of The Cross- Part 1
The Sign of The Cross has been a Prayer by itself since the beginning of Christendom. By His Death on The Cross our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ transformed an ignominious symbol of torment to the very Sacred Symbol which adorns our Altars, Cathedrals, Steeples and more. Christendom minus the Cross is as good as dead. Coming back to the Signum Crucis Prayer. Somewhere around the 3rd Century A.D, St. Constantine the Great, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire was loosing a great battle. But of the very things that the world, the flesh and the Devil makes evil; God can make good. And thus The Blessed Trinity in all His splendor shone upon this pagan ruler. And a voice from Heaven sought a soul. This voice cried to Constantine, "In this sign thou shalt conquer". While some state it was THE CHIRO that we see on Altars and some believe that it was the Blessed Cross on which our Redeemer died. As a result of his victory, the Empero...