
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Unsung Hero

  Ever felt left out at a time everyone talks about your bestie and forget about you even when you're around? It's The same with The Third Person of The Blessed Trinity, name; The Holy Ghost.  But unlike us God The Holy Ghost never feels left out since He is Equal to The Father and The Son in every way. Fully God, Fully Lord, Fully Divine and Fully Eternal. God The Holy Ghost is often depicted as a Silent Mild Dove. That is because love and care is attributed to Him. This doesn't mean He is as strong as The Father and The Son. No! He is equally Omnipotent as The First Two Persons of The Holy Trinity.   God The Holy Ghost is first mentioned in Sacred Scripture in The Book of Genesis, as He hovered over the Formless Earth.  He proceeds of The Father and The Son is often referred to as The Manifestation of The Love Between God The Father and God The Son. It was He who often spoke with the Prophets and The Patriarchs in the Old Testament,  revealing the Divine ...

On Catholic Families

Family is the beginning of a societal structure,  the smallest factor of the Church and yet the most important of all. Without a good family,  ethics and values never are born.  Saints would never be here and minus the Holy Family of Nazareth,  Jesus wouldn't have Incarnated to become man. The essence of Catholic families,  is God and not man or the world.  A Catholic family is a domestic Church.  The family centers around the Altar and the Sacraments.  This family holds itself together only via one focal point. God. Day begins with prayer and ends with the same. Often we seem to feel left out in the world but the words of St. Bruno always remains in our hearts, "while the whole world changes,  The Cross remains still". This state of stillness is True Peace.  We can have endless things but nothing contents a Catholic heart than a good Confession and a good Holy Communion. Just as we pray that God may grant us holy Priests, we must pray f...