All of us need a miracle. There are challenges, people put you down and some just stand and mock at you. But as a Christian, a Catholic; we have to remember that Christ was nailed to The Cross. The evil men mocked Him, saying "come down from the Cross and we will all believe that you are The Messiah". Moreover, they howled like common curls or street dogs, "He saved others. Himself, He cannot save". And wise Priests and Saducees and Pharisees hissed, "He called Himself The Son of God, let us see if God will save Him."
But only God The Son knew that He would have to God through The Passion to His Own Death. Only by His Death could He vanquish the Enemy, The Chief of our foes, Satan. The world hisses the same things it did 2020 years ago upon the Sacred Hill, The Summit of Sacrifice, Mount Calvary or Golgotha.
Even, in these sad times look to that Sweet Mother, weeping at The Feet of That Glorious Son Who's Holy Birth, one Of Seven Archangels announced. While most of the Apostles had deserted Christ at the Mount, a young man, St. John; a repentant Woman (of ill repute) and a few uneducated pious women wept. How could one hope when The Very Hope was extinguished as a lamp or a candle is extinguished by a gush of a strong wind?
Hoping against all odds is Christianity. Our Lady hoped to see Her Son "in The Land of The Living ". St. John so hoped that in Faith, he already understood that The Lord God had risen. The Magdalene hoped she would see her Saviour again.
Hope is one of the 3 Pillars of The Catholic Faith. Hope is not hoping for things we can see. Rather, it is hoping for things we cannot see. These Holy People should have died of grief at Christ's Death. But, they hoped.
Due to the Covid19, many of you might have lost a job, a loved one, or are sick, feeling insecure. It's okay to be scared. Even Jesus asked His Father to take the cup away. But "not according to Mine, but Thy Will be done". DO NOT DESPAIR AND I SHALL REPEAT IT. GOD SEES YOUR TEARS, HE SEES YOU WEEPING, HE HEARS YOUR CRIES. BUT IF YOU'RE SUFFERING, PLEASE LOOK AT JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS. GOD WANTS YOU TO REALIZE THAT IMPORTANCE OF SUFFERING. Offer up your sufferings for the countless evil men. For their Conversions. Suffering with Christ, is a delicacy. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, SUICIDE IS A HORRIBLE SIN, A SIN WHICH CONDEMNS YOU TO HELL, AND YOU CANNOT REPENT.
In this time of darkness, let us all be heralds of The Light of Light, each of us being the Light of Christ, a living Message of Love, Hope and Charity. May Peace of Our Lord Crucified be with you all.
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