On The Mystery of The Incarnation and Christmas

When I see this beautiful Babe lying in the Manger, I don't see a distant deity, cold and far from the creature as I was wont to as a Hindoo.  The gods seemed so far away, so cold, so grave, so strange but when I look at this Little Babe, God and Man, lovingly staring at me and saying "Will you be My friend,  My beloved brother and Playmate?" I see then there is no veil, no mystery, only love. As if He says "I'm close to you! Don't you see Me! I see you all broken but I love you and I want to fix you,  will you be Mine?" In my Catholic Faith have I seen a God who "walks like us, talks like us, God-is-with-us".

I would like to conclude with this Hymn:

 "Jesu, Creator of the world,

⁠Of all mankind Redeemer blest;

True God of God, in whom we see

⁠The Father's image clear express'd:

Thee, Saviour, love alone constrain'd

⁠To make our mortal flesh Thine own;

And as a second Adam come,

⁠For the first Adam to atone.

That selfsame love which made the sky,

⁠Which made the sea, the stars, and earth,

Took pity on our misery,

⁠And broke the bondage of our birth.

O Jesu, in Thy heart divine

⁠May that same love for ever glow;

For ever mercy to mankind

⁠From that exhaustless fountain flow!

For this Thy sacred heart was pierced,

⁠And both with blood and water ran;

To cleanse us from the stains of guilt,

⁠And be the hope and strength of man.

To God the Father and the Son,

⁠All praise, and power, and glory be

With Thee, O holy Paraclete,

⁠Both now and through eternity."


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