On The Mystery of The Incarnation and Christmas
When I see this beautiful Babe lying in the Manger, I don't see a distant deity, cold and far from the creature as I was wont to as a Hindoo. The gods seemed so far away, so cold, so grave, so strange but when I look at this Little Babe, God and Man, lovingly staring at me and saying "Will you be My friend, My beloved brother and Playmate?" I see then there is no veil, no mystery, only love. As if He says "I'm close to you! Don't you see Me! I see you all broken but I love you and I want to fix you, will you be Mine?" In my Catholic Faith have I seen a God who "walks like us, talks like us, God-is-with-us".
I would like to conclude with this Hymn:
"Jesu, Creator of the world,
Of all mankind Redeemer blest;
True God of God, in whom we see
The Father's image clear express'd:
Thee, Saviour, love alone constrain'd
To make our mortal flesh Thine own;
And as a second Adam come,
For the first Adam to atone.
That selfsame love which made the sky,
Which made the sea, the stars, and earth,
Took pity on our misery,
And broke the bondage of our birth.
O Jesu, in Thy heart divine
May that same love for ever glow;
For ever mercy to mankind
From that exhaustless fountain flow!
For this Thy sacred heart was pierced,
And both with blood and water ran;
To cleanse us from the stains of guilt,
And be the hope and strength of man.
To God the Father and the Son,
All praise, and power, and glory be
With Thee, O holy Paraclete,
Both now and through eternity."
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