The Life of A Little Jewish Girl


Our Lady was a little "insignificant" and a Little Jewish Girl.  A Girl who cooked, who probably sang, who probably did everything a little girl Her age would do. But I believe Her Virtues surpassed the virtues even of the sons of Levi at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. One day, An Angel's message changed everything for this Beautiful young humble Lady. She gained the dignity of being the new Eve, The New Mother of The Living.  She must have loved Her handsome Young Husband,  who after a dream of The Angel believed Her that She was The Mother of God The Son.  How She must have loved the Simple Carpenter, Joseph. 

And how much St. Joseph loved His Immaculate Little Spouse.  And then, on a cold winter's night,  filling the whole world with Light, The Maker of light came into the world from the Immaculate Womb of Mary. How many Happy Birthdays, Mary and Joseph must have celebrated of the Son who Created words. How, Jesus might have played with His Mother and helped His earthly "Father " at the Carpenter's shop.

 How sad the goodly Wife of The Goodly Carpenter departed into the Limbo of the Fathers. How She must have wept.  Bringing up Her young Son alone, in poverty. 

Years later, how Pierced Her Tender Heart was, seeing those wicked Heathens nailing Her Sweet Son on the Cross.  His Suffering Cries of Love and Her inner sobbings of Love. He on the Cross,  She under the Cross.  He Pierced physically,  She spiritually.  Ah! How She wept seeing Her Son die.

But lo! How strong Her Faith on that Silent Dark and Holy Saturday. She who sustained The King of kings by Her milk, now sustaining The Infant Church by Her Faith. 

And on that Glorious Morrow of Hallowed Easter,  how Her Son, first came to see Her, how He called Her "Regina Coeli laetare" . And How with mixed tears and great joy She embraced Her Son. 

Her beautiful Death when She rested gently,  And Her Son lifts Her up into Heaven,  Body and Soul, never to be parted again. 

And yet time and time again,  She comes down with Messages of Hope for a broken world.


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