Are we Truly Celebrating Christmas?
The Birth of the One we recognize as the True Man and yet True God is not merely historical but also spiritual. He is not just a light out of many lights, He is the eternal dawn, the Divine Visitor, the True Light. He is new every time we see Him, yet He is eternal. Through His Incarnation in the silence of the night, He wakes the gloomy darkened world as He reveals Himself, The Eternal light!
Paying homage on His Birthday however, does not excuse our denial of Him over 365 days. Celebrating Our Lord on the three-hundred-sixty-fifth day to comfort our indolence by praising him is not the pursuit of truth, but only the denial of responsibility.
A whole year passed and we did not acknowledge Him in action, but today, we acknowledge Him merely in praise and we expect redemption by a simple offering we make.
Did we not imprison and malign The One Who came to deliver us?
Christmas Day is a day of rejoicing but also to feel ashamed to be called upon to perform formal duties for a day like this. Yes Shame! Shame of our pride when God humbled Himself by assuming Humanity! Shame! Shame of our hatred of God's creatures when we who should be condemned is redeemed.
To whom one pledges his life, to repay him with mere empty words is a hopeless failure. When we learn to love as He did, to accept the Cross of of Humility as He did, when we learn to love even the worst of our enemies, then The Divine Infant is born in out hearts daily. Christmas is every day when Virtue triumphs over vice. When we conquer our baser nature's, that's when we celebrate Christmas daily.
May The Divine Infant be born in our hearts.
Blessed Christmastide 💖
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