
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Dying Man on A Hill

I was traveling by a hill On the outskirts of the City There, I heard a dying Man cry to me. "Thirst I for my loved But gone is she far off Dos't thou know whither he went  Canst thou bring him hither?" I raised my head an saw, A Man crucified upon a Cross.  His tears flowing down the cheeks, His Body Fully torn, With all the Blood shed, He was out fully worn. I asked whom He sought.  "Thy soul thy soul my love." When I cried asked who He be! Replied the Man, "Jesus on Calvary" I wept, I mourned , I lamented for this Man's painful destiny.   Woe that from His face I didst flee Living Waters leaving, Putrid waters to drink.

Detachment and The Cross

 It is in our sufferings and our crosses, we truly see what this world really is. It's truly the vale of tears. To fall in love with the world would truly mean hating. In all things,  we must never attach ourselves to this dark dark world and its prince, The Devil.   Detachment is an ascetic virtue not just for monks and cloistered nuns or even The Priests. It is a necessity for us, the laity as well.  We should prefer nothing to God, says St. Benedict. As Christians,  we're all supposed to be monks and nuns. Not that everyone is called into the roof of the Monastery or given the Habit.  But all of us are called to be Alone in the world,  for God. My fellow Catholics, the more I look around,  I see how Satan has grasped the souls, even of those who were born elects. My friends and family in Christ,  look around you and you'll see the demons wreaking havoc in the world. Only through penance and strengthening of our Faith through the Sacra...

Saint Dominic Makes the Devil Tell Him Where He Gains in Sin and Where He Loses

On one occasion, as St. Dominic was by night walking about the convent of S. Sabina, guarding his flock with the vigilance of a good shepherd, he met the enemy in the dormitory, going like a lion seeking whom he might devour; and recognizing him, he said, "Thou evil beast, what doest thou here?" "I do my office," replied the demon, "and attend to my gains." "And what gains dost thou make in the dormitory?" asked the saint. "Gain enough," returned the demon. "I disquiet the friars in many ways; for first, I take the sleep away from those who desire to sleep in order that they may rise promptly for matins; and then I give an excessive heaviness to others, so that when the bell sounds, either from weariness or idleness they do not rise; or, if they rise and go to choir, it is unwillingly, and they say their office without devotion." Then the saint took him to the church, and said, "And what dost thou gain here?" "M...

The Valley of Tears and God

The Beautiful Vesperal Hymn to the Blessed Virgin, Salve Regina rightly proclaims this world as a "vale of sorrows". In this world,  we can never be too happy. If we are wealthy, we worry about our wealth being stolen.  If we're poor, we cry out, why we don't possess wealth. But the truth is, this world,  after the Fall of our First Parents were devoid of Happiness.  For man was made for God and God alone is the Happiness of Man. But the fallen man is so busy trying to seek Happiness in things that he's forgotten his Creator.  "He was sent to His Own, and they did not accept Him", says St. John The Evangelist and Apostle; in The Prologue of His Gospel. Man has always sought that Happiness but before God The Son came down only a few sought Him as He is. So the non-Israelites or the Gentiles sought Him in things and creation. And because God The Holy Ghost had yet not descended, Man had not the Truth and thus, made God's for themselves.  But as St. Pau...

Psalm to The Blessed Virgin Mary

O Thou Humblest of God's Creation,  Yet Queen Heavenly Realms,  Daughter of The Sorrowing Eva, Greater than her woeful self; Greater than The Saints in Glory, Mother the God Most High  How shall I sing Thy Praises, Of Thy Majesty? My Sinful soul knoweth how chant and sing, To Thee, The Great Mother of The Holy King Song I but through poor lips  Thy Glories Oh Glorious Glorious Queen, Help me never be parted from Thy Mantle, Never, in this Realms of Sin. O mortal man praise Thy Mother,  Sing Her Glories far and nigh. To God Her Creator,  Sing ye praise  Who reignest on High, For Greatest of His Creations, Most Blessed of them all, She alone by Her Humility safety Man from the Fall. Hail o Virgin refuge of our fallen race, HAIL Queen of Heavenly Realms, Queen of every Grace. Glory to Thee oh Sweetest Mother, Thou the delight of God, Thou, The God Bearer, Mother of Our Lord