The Dying Man on A Hill

I was traveling by a hill

On the outskirts of the City

There, I heard a dying Man cry to me.

"Thirst I for my loved

But gone is she far off

Dos't thou know whither he went 

Canst thou bring him hither?"

I raised my head an saw,

A Man crucified upon a Cross. 

His tears flowing down the cheeks,

His Body Fully torn,

With all the Blood shed,

He was out fully worn.

I asked whom He sought. 

"Thy soul thy soul my love."

When I cried asked who He be!

Replied the Man,

"Jesus on Calvary"

I wept, I mourned , I lamented for this Man's painful destiny.  

Woe that from His face I didst flee

Living Waters leaving,

Putrid waters to drink.


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