
Showing posts from December, 2022

Are we Truly Celebrating Christmas?

The Birth of the One we recognize as the True Man and yet True God is not merely historical but also spiritual. He is not just a light out of many lights, He is the eternal dawn, the Divine Visitor, the True Light. He is new every time we see Him, yet He is eternal. Through His Incarnation in the silence of the night, He wakes the gloomy darkened world as He  reveals Himself, The Eternal light!  Paying homage on His Birthday however, does not excuse our denial of Him over 365 days. Celebrating Our Lord on the three-hundred-sixty-fifth day to comfort our indolence by praising him is not the pursuit of truth, but only the denial of responsibility.  A whole year passed and we did not acknowledge Him in action, but today, we acknowledge Him merely in praise and we expect redemption by a simple offering we make.  Did we not imprison and malign The One Who came to deliver us? Christmas Day is a day of rejoicing but also to feel ashamed to be called upon to perform formal d...

Holy Innocents and The Children Today

Blessed Feast of The Holy Innocents everyone.  The death of the Holy Innocents are a sign that even today there are Herods. Abortionists, pedophiles, satanists, heathens and more, who kill the Innocents either physically and/or psychologically.  On this Feast,  the Church reminds us to pray for these holy innocent children and their souls, to the Holy Innocents who are little Saints in Heaven that through Their Intercessions,  God may defend the childrenhere on earth.  COLLECT O God, the martyred innocents bore witness to Thee this day not by words but by laying down their lives. Destroy in us the evil of sin, so that our lives may bear witness to our faith in Thee, which we profess in words. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen. 

Secularized Christmas? Nay Sir!!!

  The problem of the modern world is it loves to cast the very artist who made it to the sidelines.  It's a very strange sight if you ask me. A robot or an android remains a creation even if it has a thought of it's own. It's not a living thing right? To separate Michael Angelo from his artworks or Plato from his Philosophy doesn't change the fact that they exist only because of the ones who made them. In the same way,  Christmas can never be secularized ever.  Why?  Well, every decor we put in our homes resemble The "Word made Flesh" or the "God Incarnate,  Man Divine".  The candles resemble Christ who alone is "The Light of The World". The Green boughs of Holly or the Majestic Christmas Tree represents The Eternal Life. The Wreaths resemble The Omnipotence of The Blessed Trinity.  Santa Claus is St. Nicholas being the one of The Early Church Fathers known for his Charity for the poor.  Look at the stars, which resemble the Star of Bethleh...