
Showing posts from January, 2022

On The Reception of Holy Communion

  Mass is the supreme act of Prayer.  And the Holy Communion is the Reception of Jesus Christ both Body, Blood,  Soul and Divinity. It is essential to realize this fact. Prior to attending The Mass, one must be clear of Mortal Sins.  It is essential to realize that the hands of the  laity are not consecrated as in the case of a Priest.  It is therefore impossible for us to hold Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in our own hands.  Hence, we should rather worry ourselves lest we commit an act of sacrilege receiving Communion in the hands. I request every sane Catholic to stop receiving Communion in the hands. The Holy Council of Trent declared: THE COUNCIL OF TRENT Session XIII - The third under the Supreme Pontiff, Julius III, celebrated on the eleventh day of October, 1551 CHAPTER VII THE PREPARATION TO BE EMPLOYED THAT ONE MAY RECEIVE THE SACRED EUCHARIST WORTHILY If it is unbecoming for anyone to approach any of the sacred functions except in a spirit o...

On Why God Refrains From Granting Consolations

God sometimes refrains from granting us consolation but this must not make us despair of God's Mercy.  It is indeed a Sin to despair.  Just as a father and a mother does not buy their child a particular toy at the child's request.  So is it for God. He sometimes keeps us without Divine Consolation but yet He loves us.  Let us therefore truly never despair of God's Mercy but with all our hearts, abandon ourselves to The Holy Will of God even when we have no Divine Consolation especially in our Spiritual Endeavours.  Pax Christe. 

Primacy of St. Peter by Pope St. Leo the Great

  Out of the whole world one man, Peter, is chosen to preside at the calling of all nations, and to be set over all the apostles and all the fathers of the Church. Though there are in God’s people many shepherds, Peter is thus appointed to rule in his own person those whom Christ also rules as the original ruler. Beloved, how great and wonderful is this sharing of his power that God in his goodness has given to this man. Whatever Christ has willed to be shared in common by Peter and the other leaders of the Church, it is only through Peter that he has given to others what he has not refused to bestow on them. The Lord now asks the apostles as a whole what men think of him. As long as they are recounting the uncertainty born of human ignorance, their reply is always the same. But when he presses the disciples to say what they think themselves, the first to confess his faith in the Lord is the one who is first in rank among the apostles. Peter says: “You are the Christ, the Son of th...


  "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." -Matthew 23:12  Our Lady is the ultimate example of deep and profound Humility on the spiritual journey. Many who become spiritual and attain knowledge and wisdom are usually so quick to put themselves on a stage and preach to the nation with the selfish motivations of desiring praise, recognition, and fame in return.  The truly wise, never believe they're wise, as they have realized the deep understanding that all wisdom is God's and God's alone. God has a way of humbling people who attempt to steal the spotlight from his glory, and for good reason as its only when you're willing to become small do you actually realize freedom, from yourself.  Self-forgetfulness is something taught by many Catholic saints, Jesus also taught us that we need to lose ourselves in order to discover ourselves. Our true self is humble, gentle, kind and compassionate, it's o...

On Our Blessed Mother

  Christ is The Sun that illuminates everything but Mary is the moon and the pole star. On a dark night, She guides lost souls to Her Son.   When we loose our path, She; like the Gentle Mother She is, puts Her Hand in front and cries out; "not that way, this way my son/ my daughter". Praying to Mary is like talking to your Mother.  She's the gentle Moonlight who puts many a  worked out traveler to rest.  Ask yourself, "did you look towards that Wonderful Mother today? "

The Life of A Little Jewish Girl

  Our Lady was a little "insignificant" and a Little Jewish Girl.  A Girl who cooked, who probably sang, who probably did everything a little girl Her age would do. But I believe Her Virtues surpassed the virtues even of the sons of Levi at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. One day, An Angel's message changed everything for this Beautiful young humble Lady. She gained the dignity of being the new Eve, The New Mother of The Living.  She must have loved Her handsome Young Husband,  who after a dream of The Angel believed Her that She was The Mother of God The Son.  How She must have loved the Simple Carpenter, Joseph.  And how much St. Joseph loved His Immaculate Little Spouse.  And then, on a cold winter's night,  filling the whole world with Light, The Maker of light came into the world from the Immaculate Womb of Mary. How many Happy Birthdays, Mary and Joseph must have celebrated of the Son who Created words. How, Jesus might have played with His Mo...

On The Mystery of The Incarnation and Christmas

When I see this beautiful Babe lying in the Manger, I don't see a distant deity, cold and far from the creature as I was wont to as a Hindoo.  The gods seemed so far away, so cold, so grave, so strange but when I look at this Little Babe, God and Man, lovingly staring at me and saying "Will you be My friend,  My beloved brother and Playmate?" I see then there is no veil, no mystery, only love. As if He says "I'm close to you! Don't you see Me! I see you all broken but I love you and I want to fix you,  will you be Mine?" In my Catholic Faith have I seen a God who "walks like us, talks like us, God-is-with-us". I would like to conclude with this Hymn:  "Jesu, Creator of the world, ⁠Of all mankind Redeemer blest; True God of God, in whom we see ⁠The Father's image clear express'd: Thee, Saviour, love alone constrain'd ⁠To make our mortal flesh Thine own; And as a second Adam come, ⁠For the first Adam to atone. That selfsame love ...

The Blindness of Sin & The Sacrament of Penance

"What woulds't thou have me do for thee?" is what our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ asked the poor blind man who was sitting by the wayside . When the blind man heard that Jesus was approaching him and was passing by, he; despite of the rebukes of people cried out "Jesus, Son of David; have Mercy upon me". And Jesus, The Lover of Mankind; asked the people to bring him near and asked him what is witten above.  Do you suppose; then my Brethren; He did not know the man was blind? Nay! For His Godhead NEVER PARTED FROM HIM BECAUSE OF HIS INCARNATION. HE WAS PERFECT GOD AND PERFECT MAN. But He wanted to hear it from the poor man. Ever seen little babies hungry and crying. Now, all you mothers are well aware when your child needs to eat but yet the child cries. Sometimes, you have to cry out in order to get The True Nourishment which is GOD Himself.  Sin is Blindness, followed by the darkness of Guilt. As long as you won't cry out, how then do you expect The Divine Ph...

Couplet to The Divine Prisoner of Love

O Divine Prisoner waitest Thou for me? O Love Divine I come to greet Thee. In the Dawning Hours Thy Praises to sing, With harp and a lyre; my voice to Thee dost ring

Ode to The Spouse of My Soul

O Sweetest Saviour,  O Balm of my sorrowing soul,  how beautiful art Thou?  How Royal Thy Stature,  How bountiful Thy Love,  How Tender Thy Guidance,  How magnificent Thy Attire,  How Glorious Thy Throne,  How Heavenly Thy Majesty,  How Sweet Thy Name!  If I could I'd melt in The Love of Thee .  If I could I'd be The Magdalene at Thy Feet.   Oh Love, give me Love, love to melt me my King.  Sweet Jesus, my Love, I love Thee. 💖☦

Ode to The Crucified Love

  Thy Beauty o Beloved of my soul enchateth me. Thou consumest Thy lover with Thy Wounds and cleaneth the dirt of the soul with Blood. O Love, give me love that  I may melt and exist no more.  May my love be naught but in Thee. O Blessed of the Blesseds, how my heart longs for Thee. O Crucified Love, how much longer in this valley of tears, without Thy Consolations wilt Thou keep me? I cooe like a dove and cry like the Skylark.  I groan with pain, as a hart wounded by arrows.  Behold o Crucified Love, how I wail alone in this muck and thirst for Thee. Like a beloved  sighing after her long gone Lover, I groan, I lament.  Whither ar't Thou my Love, why abandoneth Thou me?


  An advantage of The Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament is that this Act helps us comprehend into the Beautiful Mystery of The Incarnation,  Passion, Death,  Resurrection and Ascension of The Most Holy God and Second Person of The Blessed Sacrament.  It purges you of infidelity and undue attachments to the world. It increases love for God and appreciation of His Creation. This Great Prisoner of Love never abandoned us. In a Tiny Little Host, He cries out to us, "come to me all ye who labor and I shall give thee rest". Friends, now that The Churches have opened, let us spend atleast an hour adoring this Adorable Prisoner. Let hearts long to see Him, to embrace Him, to love Him alone.  "This day if ye hear His Voice, harden not thy hearts". Say often, "O Prisoner of Love, O Love, make me love Thee alone." In Silence He waits for His People.  To return to His Bosom. A Father waiting for His Children.  A Brother for His Brethren.  A Teacher for His S...


  All of us need a miracle.  There are challenges, people put you down and some just stand and mock at you.  But as a Christian, a Catholic; we have to remember that Christ was nailed to The Cross.  The evil men mocked Him, saying "come down from the Cross and we will all believe that you are The Messiah". Moreover, they howled like common curls or street dogs, "He saved others. Himself, He cannot save". And wise Priests and Saducees and Pharisees hissed, "He called Himself The Son of God, let us see if God will save Him." But only God The Son knew that He would have to God through The Passion to His Own Death.  Only by His Death could He vanquish the Enemy, The Chief of our foes, Satan. The world hisses the same things it did 2020 years ago upon the Sacred Hill, The Summit of Sacrifice, Mount Calvary or Golgotha.  Even, in these sad times look to that Sweet Mother, weeping at The Feet of That Glorious Son Who's Holy Birth, one Of Seven Archangels anno...

Why Not Be Like Others?

  We live in a world where there is a constant desire even among "Christians" to fit into this so-called life.  To fit into the social structure.  But feign do we realize that being a part of a crowd walking down to Hell isn't really a thing to desire. Hell is a place devoid of God, a Place of Eternal Misery.  Jesus says to His Flock in The Gospel according to St. Matthew, "narrow is the path to Heaven ". We live in a time where Faithless men govern The Church, a time when Bishops and Priests fail to speak about Hell and canonize every man and women. Not a sermon against Sin in most of the Churches.  As Christians,  as Catholics, why on earth would we want to be a part of those people who fight against God. Remember the words of St. Michael the Archangel,  when Satan tempted him to fight with him. The words the Ever Glorious Archangel St. Michael uttered were, "Mi Ka El" (who is like God) which became his very Name. Satan was once defeated in the Begin...

Cry of a Pilgrim

Stuck between the worlds which careth not, Whilst I cry and weep and world I know not. O Thou my Beloved, my soul longeth to be Thine; But in this world, I'm left without Thee, The Choicest Wine. Gold nor incense nor frankincense have I, To leave at Thy Feet to lie. How long my God from Thee must I be, Until in The Happy Plains shall I meet with Thee. O Happy Day draw nigh For in my Saviour's Heart, let me forever lie. #poemsforjesus #poemsforgod