On The Reception of Holy Communion
Mass is the supreme act of Prayer. And the Holy Communion is the Reception of Jesus Christ both Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. It is essential to realize this fact. Prior to attending The Mass, one must be clear of Mortal Sins. It is essential to realize that the hands of the laity are not consecrated as in the case of a Priest. It is therefore impossible for us to hold Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in our own hands. Hence, we should rather worry ourselves lest we commit an act of sacrilege receiving Communion in the hands. I request every sane Catholic to stop receiving Communion in the hands. The Holy Council of Trent declared: THE COUNCIL OF TRENT Session XIII - The third under the Supreme Pontiff, Julius III, celebrated on the eleventh day of October, 1551 CHAPTER VII THE PREPARATION TO BE EMPLOYED THAT ONE MAY RECEIVE THE SACRED EUCHARIST WORTHILY If it is unbecoming for anyone to approach any of the sacred functions except in a spirit o...